Article: Time to change the way you use psychometric assessments


Time to change the way you use psychometric assessments

More and more companies are using psychometric assessments today, but to tap their full potential, HR professionals need to adopt the multi-criteria approach of combining complementary assessments.
Time to change the way you use psychometric assessments

Psychometric assessments have been in use since the late 19th century1. From their early application in educational psychology to their widespread use by organizations in their various HR processes, we have come a long way. Today, in India alone, over 74% of companies use assessments in their recruitment process2.

But despite the growing trust and popularity, psychometric assessments are not utilized to their full potential. If utilized through the right approach, psychometric assessments can enable HR to fulfill a myriad of HR objectives ranging from evaluating complex profiles with customized competencies, revealing hidden facets of personality, predicting work-behavior and job performance, gauging fitment in a specific work culture, etc. However, these objectives are difficult to attain with the current method of using a single assessment in each evaluation process.

To effectively fulfill such objectives, HR professionals need to adopt the multi-criteria approach, which is the process of combining complementary tests results together for a more comprehensive, accurate, and predictive analysis of an individual. The idea is to consider beforehand, the different criteria of assessment expectations in terms of behavioral competencies, job fitment, culture fit, etc. A Harvard Business School study3 shows that the combined use of personality and intelligence tests increase recruitment-efficiency by 15% compared to a non-test recruitment process. For example, with the multi-criteria approach, the HR can combine a cognitive ability test, sales aptitude test, and emotional intelligence test for a more precise and predictive evaluation to successfully hire a sales team manager. 

But the implementation of the multi-criteria approach can be easier said than done. For starters, when combining complementary test results, the assessor needs to juggle different assessment reports to obtain one definitive analysis. And there can also be the need to assess added competencies, compare multiple candidates, etc. When done manually, all this can become a daunting, complicated, and long-drawn exercise.

This is where HR professionals can use the TALENT MATCHER, which automates the implementation of the multi-criteria approach. Developed by Central Test (a leading psychometric assessment publisher), the TALENT MATCHER is an advanced predictive matching feature that harnesses the power of Smart Data algorithm with the multi-criteria approach to identify the most suitable candidates, matching them with the requirements of specific job roles, functions and overall work culture. The TALENT MATCHER also allows to accurately anticipate talent and potentials of each candidate. Further, it can present a comparison between multiple candidates to explore their key differences on the various behavioral competencies and job roles.

Psychometric assessments combined with Smart Data algorithm to give HR professionals the power to accurately predict talent and potential.

The TALENT MATCHER is designed to boost the overall success of your assessment campaigns by making the evaluation process more efficient, effective, and simple. It is available within the Central Test’s online assessment platform and a free demo can be requested on the website:



  1. The Psychometrics Centre, Cambridge Judge Business School
  2. The state of psychometric assessment in India, People Matters, Sep 2016
  3. Discretion in hiring, Harvard Business School, 2015
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