Article: Building mindsets in the age of Artificial Intelligence in HR

HR Technology

Building mindsets in the age of Artificial Intelligence in HR

With technology entangling the business world, let us understand how to build a mindset to embrace artificial intelligence in HR.
Building mindsets in the age of Artificial Intelligence in HR

Technology is moving at the speed of light engulfing the business world completely. But the big question is how well the disruptions created by technology are embraced by employers as well as employees. 

Through the years, changes brought by technology have always been the source of distress for business owners and HR professionals alike. Even though it beholds better working practices and improved efficiency, it is human nature that some of them will feel dubious about incorporating AI and data analytics in their traditional process. Some of the alarming data which says that 7 million jobs will disappear by 2050 according to Labour Bureau data; is indeed a reason to worry. All of these put business owners in a bit of a tricky situation. This brings the HR to a crossroad wherein one needs to have a clear picture to overcome the barriers to go through this technology journey to reap the benefits in future. 

Talking about how HR should reflect upon the changes brought by Artificial intelligence, People Matters organized a tweetchat which witnessed a potpourri of thoughts and ideas from an amalgamation of many venerable adepts from the HR world. Take a look at the tweets below to get an idea of the enriching session.

Q1. What are the factors that are driving the resistance to embrace HR technology?

Q2. Is this resistance a ‘top-bottom’ or ‘bottom-top’ issue?

Q3. What is the risk of not tackling the resistance?  

Q4. How do you think ‘digital’ in your organization?

Q5. What is the future of HR technology? Is AI the next big thing?

Q6. How do you become AI ready?


The tweetchat ended with an  invigorating discussion by all the speakers



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Topics: HR Technology, HR Analytics

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