Article: M&As in India: The Key Imperatives

premiumTalent Management

M&As in India: The Key Imperatives

The Indian economy is poised at an interesting juncture and as long as we remember the main objective behind the M&A, and execute with that in mind, there are chances we will have success
M&As in India: The Key Imperatives
The Indian economy and businesses have seen a high-growth phase almost ever since this new millennium began, more so after 2003. This phase has even survived the 2008-‘09 Global Economic Crisis without too many scars to show for it. This piece will focus on the Imperatives behind M&As in Indian businesses and post-merger impact in different cases.  Two key imperatives for new businesses in fast-moving economies are completing their business models and acquiring scale, i.e., grabbing market share – both to be done as little time as possible. This is necessitated so that such companies can either build a sustainable competitive advantage, often referred to as a Strategic Moat in new start-up parlance, or become the 800-pound gorilla in a winner-keeps-all market. Helping them in this quest are venture capitalists and strategic investors, by funding them for the above pursuits. And the quickest way to do all the above three imperatives is to go to the inorganic rou...
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