Article: Can HR use drones?


Can HR use drones?

Growing ecosystem of drones is already catering to agriculture, defense, energy, and construction industry. What has HR to do with it? Read on to find out.
Can HR use drones?

Drone recruitment 

With the world of recruitment adapting to the rapid pace of technology evolution, firms are thriving under constant pressure to come up with various creative ways of attracting top talent. An increasing number of businesses are coming up with unusual solutions and strategies to find the right top talent. You must be pleasantly surprised to know that even ‘Drones’ are being used for attracting best talents.

A classic example of using a fleet of drones with catchy messages to lure potential candidates was seen in Kiwi and they called it 'Drone Recruitment'. This online travel agency in the Czech Republic used drones to recruit developers. They used this out of the box technique to recruit recently laid-off developers.

Katerina Gabova, Head of Human Resources at, stated, "Recruiting the best in the industry is always a challenge, as smart people need to work somewhere that challenges and inspires them. We wanted to dramatically show that at we foster an environment in which clever people will thrive and that we are looking for the brightest new talent in technology.”

Drones to our rescue in workplace safety and compliances 

Mitigating safety hazards in the workplace has always been a prime concern of top Leaders in every organization. Promoting better safety practices among employees by the use of technology, improved user experience and full involvement of key stakeholders is the key to minimizing accidents. The end result would definitely mean happy employees, improved efficiency and greater profitability for the company. 

Drone can be used as a path-breaking technology for workplace safety and compliances. In an effort to prevent and curb mishaps, drones can help us solve the following problems:

  • It can monitor employees working in remote areas and can be used for compliance audits.

  • Drones can make the process of inventory tracking for employees far more efficient and simpler with reduced need of human intervention. 

  • By deploying drones, one can capture the view of the situation ahead of sending in a live crew.

  • Operations or Project managers can quickly identify problems that might slow down the progress of a project on-site through drones.


The legal requirements, regulations, acceptance ratio, budgets, and scarcity of trained resources are some of the major bottlenecks for using drones in Indian corporate.

  • There is a short supply of qualified operators for drones.

  • The organization does not have the in-house capability to train existing employees on this technology.

  • In India, local rules and regulations governing commercial drone usage and deployment are stringent.

  • HR leaders would need to build some of their own internal capability to in congruent to such technology, process, and systems.

  • Convincing stakeholders on the value of drone technology is difficult as it will have high-cost implications.

To sum it up

Many of the drone vendors are small private companies including start-ups. Currently, they have a strong hold on large defense-focused companies. But they are now vetting for industrial conglomerates for expansion. As per a Business Insider Report, the market for commercial or civilian drones will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19% between 2015 and 2020, compared with 5% growth on the military side. In fact, it is proposed that US regulation would end the ban on commercial drone flights. This will eventually allow low-altitude flights of small drones within view of a ground-based pilot.

In spite of this growing industry, which as per a report from BI Intelligence in Business Insider has projected drone sales revenue exceeding $12 billion by 2021 (a jump of over $8 billion in 2015), only time can tell how successfully ‘Drones - a revolutionary leap in video technology’ will be integrated with HR strategies and processes in future. 


Commercial drones have leapt far ahead of regulators and are already entrenched in a handful of massive industries

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Topics: Technology, Talent Acquisition, Strategic HR

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