Article: Top 12 trends: The flash-mob effect - Jagdish Sheth


Top 12 trends: The flash-mob effect - Jagdish Sheth

Jagdish Sheth- Professor, Goizueta Business School, Emory University
Top 12 trends: The flash-mob effect - Jagdish Sheth

There will be major changes in the workplace driven by the new generations. In 2012, there will be no life-long employment and inclusion of spouse in the talent approach. The next generation of new talent no longer thinks of life-long careers and they look at work in a transactional way. Companies will need to accept that and that will mean that turnover is no longer a symptom of something actually going wrong. The overall approach to talent management in the traditional way will no longer work and HR teams will need to devise new ways to manage career, engagement, motivation, etc., taking into account the way the new generation sees this association with work. As society evolves into nuclear families and more and more often both husband and wife are professionally active, organizations will need to look at their employees not only as individuals but also with their spouses. Even if the spouse does not work with you, the stake holder is no longer the employee but the employee and the spouse together. That will have an implication on the way employee engagement is designed.

Employees are looking at organizations that are purpose-driven and not only profit-driven. Candidates and employees will look at choosing their target employer based on the purpose and larger aim that the organization has. They will ask companies about their sustainability plans, their CSR and contribution to reduce carbon foot-print, etc.

Social media already has a tremendous impact on the public forum. Companies in transition, financial stress, etc. should be extremely careful and continuously communicate with their employees as the power is not with the union leader who represents the group, but is with each single individual that has a voice in the social community. Today, everybody is a leader and this means that we will see the phenomenon of "Flash Mobs" in the workplace. What is happening at the government level will happen at the corporate level as well.

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Topics: Watercooler, C-Suite

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