10 tips on how to make use of your networking events

You are invited to a business networking event and you usually chicken out by justifying to yourself, “I don’t know anybody out there or why would anyone want to talk to me?”
Both fears are built on insecurity of not knowing what to do with this networking opportunity.
It's time, whether you are an entrepreneur or businessperson or a start-up or even a corporate executive to approach networking events with a totally different approach.
Here are the top 10 tips which in my experience can shake you out of this lethargy and make attending networking events truly rewarding:
- Follow UP – this is the golden rule of any networking event. Within 72 hours one must follow up with an email re-introducing clearly stating the next steps to move the initial contact forward.
- Being yourself – Be authentic never portray yourself as someone you are not. Basically don’t write a cheque with your mouth which you can’t cash with your actions.
- Mix and Mingle – Don’t find one person and stick to that person’s coat-tails for the rest of the evening, not only its very uncomfortable for the other person but he will resent you from depriving him /her of the networking opportunity.
- Elevator Pitch - Create and rehearse your 30 sec pitch. It should be a crisp introduction of what you do, your target market and your credentials. Essentially it should lead the other person to ask you, “How do you do that?” It should not be about your title or position.
- Listen – most people in their eagerness to impress end up speaking a lot and ignoring the most important aspect of a conversation listening! Listen for sub -text and clues to what the person is really trying to say.
- Set Your Expectations – Identify the outcome you want from attending this event. Remember its most likely that everyone is trying to sell something in that room. Take a different approach, find out how you can help them. This will make people seek you out and very soon you will be on the way to achieving your goals.
- Ask open ended questions – Do not restrict the easy flow of conversations by asking questions which result in binary yes or no or elicit a matter of fact response. Ask about the “how” and try and elicit one’s interest and passion behind the work a person does to open conversations.
- Visiting card – Don’t give your visiting card without being it being asked for. Networking event is not a competition about how many business cards you can give or collect. Show due respect while receiving or giving your card.
- Dress to Impress – Don’t go casually dressed even if its an informal event. Be in smart business casuals at the very least. Remember people do make judgement calls on first impressions.
- Keep your right hand free – Even while holding any brochures or other freebies you get at networking events keep your right hand free to introduce and give a handshake. Its most awkward when one extends a pinkie instead masquerading as a handshake.
- Bonus - Choose your networking event wisely based on the target audience and the quality of exhibitors, keynote speakers and expert break-out sessions.
So next time, go out there and create relationships and find new windows of opportunities.