Blog: A week in my work life in 2025 - Day 1

Life @ Work

A week in my work life in 2025 - Day 1

This is a really interesting 5 - day diary entry series titled, A week in my work life 2025 by a fictional character, Alex Ranjan (HR Executive at ProductsForU). He was brought up in the USA and now works in India. Alexs experiences are set in the year 2025.It showcases how technology will change how we engage day-to-day in our personal and professional lives.
A week in my work life in 2025 - Day 1

This is a really interesting 5 – day diary entry series titled, ‘A week in my work life – 2025’ by a fictional character, Alex Ranjan (HR Executive at ProductsForU). He was brought up in the USA and now works in India. Alex’s experiences are set in the year 2025. It showcases how technology will change how we engage day-to-day in our personal and professional lives. 

Day 1: 8th December, 2025. 

I pressed my DODO smartwatch and all my diet, heart, exercise data from yesterday and last night’s sleep pattern was instantly visible on the wrist embedded screen. The sync to my 220 gram desktop cum carry bag and global personal data bank took 3 seconds. Suddenly remembered—there was a new screen app going free for the next one month, which would make personal data management even better and faster, must check it out!

I had to renew my personal data bank license later this week, and also give selective access to my employers for my contract renewal coming up. They needed all my health and work life data; right from the last ten years; as well as my daily recorded learning inventories. The queries for providing access to my employers had already come in from the National Personal Information Authority (NPIA). My employers would recheck and update all my data, only with my consent of course, including my criminal, domicile and social/ political records as well as vehicle and domestic pollution and energy consumption records. This was quite a routine now since my contract had to be renewed every 3 months based on performance.

The walk to the office took exactly 17 minutes. Since the introduction of the Odd/Even rule by the government, I could not use my car every day. Hence I had chosen to stay close to the office. It helped that it added to the betterment of my health data, making me more employable. With most private companies retiring people at 50, I would have to be self-employed for the next 20 or 25 years after that, and that needed almost perfect health.

Our pure sciences specialists, all new hires, were joining in today. While they were all in the 22 to 24 age group, the hiring grades and salaries varied by as much as 100 % from the lowest to the highest. It worked well, since most were anyway not really there for the money, but for the exact nature of work they wanted to do; for as long as they lasted.  In any case, only 20% were on regular employment, the rest were all contract workers by the hours or days they would put in. They worked from all sorts of locations - we did not really monitor that - as long as the work they did was plugged into the system and tracked for value delivery to the organization. 

In fact, the three counselors on my team possibly see employees more often than any of the senior management, including the employees’ managers. Most ‘employees’, including anyone who has a company ID even for a few days, consults the counselor at-least once every few days. Issues range from work maladjustment to family and sleep/ health challenges. Many of them also need mentoring and coaching support and the counselors play a significant role of matchmakers as well, helping them find the right person to work with, using the global app “Professional Matchmaker”. The company does not pay for any of this support, but most people are very happy to pay on their own, as long as they get a high quality mentor or coach.

A reminder ping just came in on the embedded screen on my wrist. My data from last week must have got updated. The new portal the company had just implemented tracked employee delivery and learning progress by the week, and auto generated online reports to the employee, manager and HR. Most employees or contractors did not need managing in or out now, they pretty much decided whether to work with us, or change the manager and/or project based on weekly data. I needed a quick look at all my HR team’s data before the daily 20 minute HR team meeting, to be held end of the day. In any case, it was only four people’s data, including mine. 

Last year, we got an award for managing our HR to Employee ratios very productively and effectively. The global standard was 1: 700 and we were already at 1: 500.  With a little more technology investment, we should be able to get to 1:700 or so.

I had a really busy day today. The digital bubble presentation to the new hires took almost a couple of hours. Basically, we showed them all of our component manufacturing facility in a virtual reality walk through. They were also able to literally experience building all of our products through an actual production experience in 3D printing. They were aware of most of the stuff anyway, since they have been interning with ProductsForU for the last 18 months or so, spending almost 75% of their time with us, learning on the job. 

The head of Product development was to do the assimilation walk through, but he was off to acquire a small company (or rather, a set of people) based out of a small town in Assam. They had written to him yesterday and hopefully he will come back with the deal closed tomorrow. There are three suitors for the target company and there will be online bidding orchestrated by Joyce and Mouton, the global bank headquartered in Pune. Actually he need not have gone there physically but he had heard that he could do some great fishing in the area; so he took a 3 hour break to get into the bidding process between his fishing.

The rest of my day and week is likely to be full as well. 


A week in my work life in 2025 - Day 2


A week in my work life in 2025 – Day 3

A week in my work life in 2025 – Day 4

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