News: BlackBerry CEO stands to gain $55.6 mn if ousted


BlackBerry CEO stands to gain $55.6 mn if ousted

BlackBerry Chief Executive Officer Thorsten Heins stands to make $55.6 million if he sells the company and is ousted, Bloomberg reported. That/'s the amount he/'s entitled to receive if BlackBerry has a change of control and Heins is pushed out by the new owners, according to a May proxy filing.

BlackBerry Chief Executive Officer Thorsten Heins stands to make $55.6 million if he sells the company and is ousted, Bloomberg reported. That/'s the amount he/'s entitled to receive if BlackBerry has a change of control and Heins is pushed out by the new owners, according to a May proxy filing.

The figure, which includes salary, incentive payments and equity awards, is based on BlackBerry/'s stock price at the end of the fiscal fourth quarter. The plan was approved by shareholders at its annual meeting on July 9. The Waterloo, Ontario-based company announced plans on August 12 to form a board committee to consider a potential sale, as well as joint ventures and partnerships

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