News: Pervinder Johar new CEO of Edgeverve


Pervinder Johar new CEO of Edgeverve

Pervinder Johar to take charge of Edgeverve unit as the new CEO, as appointed by Infosys Ltd
Pervinder Johar new CEO of Edgeverve

Edgeverve has appointed Pervinder Johar as the new CEO of the company. In his new role Pervinder will be responsible for boosting current business operations and will be generating more business from the monetizing platforms. 

EdgeVerve Systems is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Infosys Ltd, which offers cloud- hosted platforms by developing innovative software products. 

As per media report, the position is filled by Pervinder Johar after an year of abrupt exit of Michael Reh.  

In his prior role, Johar was CEO of Steelwedge Software Inc., which is a cloud-based supply-chain in US. Also, he has worked with Hewlett Packard Inc. and Fidelity Investments. Johar is a graduate from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee. 

During the October-December quarter, Edgeverve has brought 5.6% or $143 million of the company’s $2.5 billion revenue.

In September last year, Sanjay Purohit, the Executive Vice President and Global Head of Infosys Consulting had quit the company. He was in-charge of the strategic initiatives with Pravin Rao, the Chief Operating Officer of Infosys. 

In the last two years, Infosys has seen exits in Sanjay Jalona, Michael Reh, Samson David, Manish Tandon, Ronald Hafner and Anup Upadhyay. Of these, three were executives that Sikka brought to Infosys since he took charge. 

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