News: Air India pilots threaten strike

Employee Relations

Air India pilots threaten strike

A proposal to cut allowances of Air India’s pilots by 15 per cent is leading to resentment among sections of the pilots as they feel that the move will place them below the prevailing pay scales offered by other airlines. With about 60 per cent of their monthly pay package coming from allowances, Air India pilots feel that the drop in salary could be significant. Air India officials, however, point out that a 15 per cent cut in allowances was being effected for all sections of employees of the national carrier, including pilots. Officials downplayed the possibility of pilots striking work over the issue which could affect the airline’s operations during the summer season.

A proposal to cut allowances of Air India’s pilots by 15 per cent is leading to resentment among sections of the pilots as they feel that the move will place them below the prevailing pay scales offered by other airlines. With about 60 per cent of their monthly pay package coming from allowances, Air India pilots feel that the drop in salary could be significant. Air India officials, however, point out that a 15 per cent cut in allowances was being effected for all sections of employees of the national carrier, including pilots. Officials downplayed the possibility of pilots striking work over the issue which could affect the airline’s operations during the summer season.

Read the Hindu Business Line news report here.

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Topics: Employee Relations, #IndustrialRelations, #Corporate

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