News: 85.80% of job seekers leverage lockdown to learn new technologies: BridgeLabz Survey findings


85.80% of job seekers leverage lockdown to learn new technologies: BridgeLabz Survey findings

Finding a job amidst the nationwide lockdown emerged as the top challenge for fresh tech graduates and experienced professionals with a majority of engineers, at 76.89%, presently bearing the brunt of the economic slowdown.
85.80% of job seekers leverage lockdown to learn new technologies: BridgeLabz Survey findings

BridgeLabz Solutions LLP, one of India’s largest IP-driven incubation labs, surveyed over 1500 fresh tech graduates and working professionals during the lockdown. The online survey intended to reveal top issues faced by engineers during the COVID-19 lockdown and how they are coping with them.

As per the survey, here are the key findings:

  • Finding a job amidst the nationwide lockdown emerged as the top challenge for fresh tech graduates and experienced professionals with a majority of engineers, at 76.89%, presently bearing the brunt of the economic slowdown.
  • 71.95% of the respondents representing almost equal numbers of men and women are currently looking out for a job. 
  • It also shows that 24.92% of the working engineers who were planning to switch their jobs are currently stuck as the pandemic has affected the hiring process in organizations across the country.
  • 15.53% of engineering graduates are struggling to stay relevant in the industry with their existing skillset. Thus, it can be concluded that the ever-evolving technological space and cut-throat competition requires constant upgradation of the skills to survive in the industry.
  • An approximately equal percentage of men and women engineers have unanimously acknowledged the skill gap and are leveraging lockdown to enhance their knowledge. Comprising 84.48% of the total respondents, engineers and tech graduates are learning new technologies relevant to the jobs they seek.

Speaking about the survey, Mr. Narayan Mahadevan, Founder, BridgeLabz commented, “An obvious impact of the pandemic-led lockdown can be seen in the employment space. Today, fresh tech graduates and experienced professionals are equally facing the challenges arising out of the demand for newer skill sets in the industry. Viewing the current market situation and the inevitable competition in the near future, it will be only wise to strive to improve your learning curve. However, it is good to see that a majority of candidates are utilizing this period to enhance their knowledge and accentuate their portfolios to succeed in the impending competition.”

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Topics: Skilling, #COVID-19, #Jobs

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