Video: 9 ways to make employee engagement survey a success

Employee Relations

9 ways to make employee engagement survey a success

People Matters in collaboration with Adrenalin brings you this webcast on how to conduct Employee Engagement Surveys that mean business.

"Are you planning an Employee Engagement Survey (EES)? Who isn’t? Routine stuff, right? Just remember that all Surveys aren’t equal. No, we are not talking about the different Engagement models offered by different vendors. This is about what you as the HR specialist anchoring an EES can do differently to ensure that you get great participation, clear findings, sharp insights, focused action plans and a real jump in engagement levels.

People Matters in collaboration with Adrenalin brings you this webcast on how to conduct Employee Engagement Surveys that mean business.

Here's what we will cover:

  • How to prepare so as to get actionable findings?
  • How to facilitate high participation?
  • How to stay focused on the high impact items?
  • How to sustain the implementation of action plans?
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Topics: Employee Relations, #Webinar

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