Video: Gatekeepers to Role models: A guide to creating wellness-conscious managers

Strategic HR

Gatekeepers to Role models: A guide to creating wellness-conscious managers

People Matters and MediBuddy brings you this panel where we will delve deeper into what HR leaders can do to make wellness-conscious managers and help them build the right skills

To deliberate further on the topic and uncover what HR leaders can do to make wellness-conscious managers and help them build the right skills, People Matters and MediBuddy brings you this panel where we will delve deeper into the following:

  1. Best practices for creating an engaging wellness program
  2. The role of managers in the new hybrid world of workplace wellness
  3. Building middle managers to become models of well-being for their team members
  4. Challenges that managers face when championing the cause of wellness how they overcome them
  5. Leadership skills required to encourage and enable healthy behaviours around the office
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Topics: Strategic HR, #HybridLeadership, #HybridWorkplace

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