Video: M&A Integration: Maximizing Return on Talent

Talent Management

M&A Integration: Maximizing Return on Talent

During mergers and acquisitions 80 percent of integration problems stem from people issues. Watch the video and learn from the expert panel about overcoming these challenges and building a robust talent strategy.

People are the driving force behind value creation and a strategic driver in Mergers and Acquisitions. However, they are also the single source of M&A derailment as 80 percent of integration problems stem from people issues. In a discussion moderated by Mumbi Mwila, Chief Human Resource and Training Officer, Zanaco, thought leaders, Yuvaraj Srivastava, Group CHRO, MakeMyTrip and Na Boon Chong, Managing Director, Consulting, South East Asia, Aon Hewitt highlighted some challenges that arise during in M&As. They also shared some of the best practices that can help in overcoming these challenges. Watch the video and learn from the expert panel about how to maximize the chances of M&A deal success through talent. People are the driving force behind value creation and a strategic driver in Mergers and Acquisitions. However, they are also the single source of M&A derailment as 80 percent of integration problems stem from people issues. In a discussion moderated by Mumbi Mwila, Chief Human Resource and Training Officer, Zanaco, thought leaders, Yuvaraj Srivastava, Group CHRO, MakeMyTrip and Na Boon Chong, Managing Director, Consulting, South East Asia, Aon Hewitt highlighted some challenges that arise during in M&As. They also shared some of the best practices that can help in overcoming these challenges. Watch the video and learn from the expert panel about how to maximize the chances of M&A deal success through talent.


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Topics: Talent Management, #MergersAndAcquisitions, #TTE2018

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