Article: NHRDN Conference 2011: Live & Breathe the Change


NHRDN Conference 2011: Live & Breathe the Change

The largest conflux of the HR fraternity, the NHRD Network conference this year, will aim to provide thought leadership, enable active interaction amongst participants and leverage technology at every stage. People Matters takes you through the entire agenda of the conference this year

The conference design, structure and theme ‘lives and breathes' the change in itself


National HRD Network Annual Conference - Bangalore, 16th to 19th November 2011

The largest conflux of the HR fraternity, the NHRD Network conference this year, will aim to provide thought leadership, enable active interaction amongst participants and leverage technology at every stage. People Matters takes you through the entire agenda of the conference this year

What is the role of the organization, its managers, the HR function and the employees themselves, to ride the waves of change? What is the impact of people in business? Whose business are people? How do we create a positive response and proactive development to thrive in the context of change?

The largest and most significant confluence of minds of the HR community has, this year, a different mission that touches not only HR professionals but also business managers. After all, people are the responsibility of people. The NHRD Network (NHRDN) Conference this year, aims to provide thought leadership, enable active interaction amongst participants and leverage technology at every stage.

The conference design, structure and theme ‘lives and breathes’ the change in itself. For the first time, the conference offers 16 pre-conference capability building workshops for delegates; it offers the opportunity to hear thought leaders across domains; it showcases the best practices by the companies themselves; and it gives the opportunity to co-create the future along with the 1,000 delegates in the conference, to recognize and learn from young leaders and to create their own space and theme.

This is the proactive, new state of energy that this year’s NHRDN Conference brings to businesses to enable them to ride the waves of change. This is the time to break the paradigms in organizations and create space for people to take ownership of their development, their path and make excellence a part of the organization.

Innovations @ the NHRDN Annual Conference 2011

HR Showcase: A way to identify and recognize best practices, and enable learning and sharing.

Young Thought Leader Contest: A competition to create excitement in the younger community.

Student conference: Engaging, nurturing and providing a unique space for the leaders of tomorrow.

Co-creation: Leveraging on the rich experience of the delegates and giving them an opportunity to contribute to the Conference. More than 1000 delegates in 2.5 hours defining the future.

Pre-conference workshops: The Conference will have 16 capability building workshops to provide the required capability to HR professionals to ride the waves of change.

Voice of youth: What do the youth expect from their future workplace? This study will share findings of the largest and the most representative survey of talent pool of the future.

Make your own conference: Invariably, participants feel that the conference could have had a specific session of their interest. This space allows people to chose a topic of their interest and include it as part of the conference.
Research: What makes for ‘Future Fit HR’? The conference will reveal the results of the study conducted across industries.

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Topics: C-Suite, #ChangeManagement

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