Article: #7 NTPC: The Power from Within its Workplace

Employee Engagement

#7 NTPC: The Power from Within its Workplace

Over years NTPC has emerged as a hallmark of quality in the Indian economy by demonstrating its excellence in all spheres including building a conducive and people inclusive environment

NTPC acknowledges the fact that employees have higher ownership in decisions that are taken in consultation with them


NTPC provides numerous mechanisms for employee participation in various activities and there is a feeling of being taken care of by the organisation


Over the years, NTPC has emerged as a hallmark for quality in the Indian economy by demonstrating its excellence in all spheres such as setting up a power station in record time, its turnaround capability, manpower productivity and building a conducive and people inclusive environment. This year NTPC ranks #7 in the Great Place to Work® Institute’s Study and #1 in the Industry Categories of Manufacturing & Production sector, Best Company in Large Organization (with more than 10,000 employees), and Best Company in Public Sector. Employees here take pride in working for a company that is committed to building the nation by ‘lighting the lives of millions of people’. The management at NTPC acknowledges the fact that employees have higher ownership in decisions that are taken in consultation with them. Hence, their opinion is sought on all matters of employee concern through inviting suggestions, conducting surveys or holding one-to-one discussions. In an exclusive interaction with People Matters, Mr. R.S. Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director, NTPC talks about the importance of aligning people goals with organization’s goals.

From the business perspective, why do you think is it important for NTPC to be a great workplace?

Mr. R. S. Sharma: I believe that an organization becomes a great workplace, when the employees feel motivated and excited enough to give their best for the organization. From the business perspective, there is a sense of commitment towards the organizational goals and the organization is able to achieve high levels of performance and superior business results through the contribution of the employees.
At NTPC, we understand and act upon this fact very well. Currently, the company is going through a phase of rapid expansion. NTPC aims to be a power major with presence across the power value chain. We have already diversified into hydro, cola mining and electricity distribution and trading. We are moving into nuclear and renewable based power generation and equipment manufacturing also. We have a target to be 75,000 MW plus company by the year 2017. This requires capacity addition of more than 6,000 MW every year. Our plants are running at more than 90% PLF and we want to further improve upon this high level of performance. To achieve these targets, multi-skilling of employees is required and the employees need to contribute at the stretch level of performance as part of a team. It is also important that NTPC is able to attract and retain the best talents of the country to achieve its targets and goals. Starting from 1982, when NTPC’s first unit was commissioned at Singrauli, NTPC’s success so far has largely been driven by the contribution by its people. Hence, being a great workplace is a prerequisite for sustained business success. I am glad that members of ‘Team NTPC’ find their projects, stations and offices to be great workplaces. This is one of the most important factors of our success as an enterprise.

According to you what is the role of the leader to build a culture of engagement and retention?

Mr. R. S. Sharma: Leaders have to play a pivotal role in building a culture of engagement and retention. Leaders at all levels have to demonstrate their commitment through their actions and this impact the young minds, who join the organization. I believe that leaders have to set examples and establish credibility among the colleagues. Leaders have to walk the talk. They have to make the organization a vibrant place for the employees to work. They have to lead the organization through its successes and failures. At the same time, it is the responsibility of the leaders to set the value system of the organization. NTPC’s culture is characterized by a strong feeling of family, openness and trust, respect for everybody and the spirit of ‘can do it’. NTPC provides numerous mechanisms for employee participation in various activities and there is a feeling of being taken care of by the organization. These values have been developed and nurtured over the years by our founding leaders and subsequent leaders.
Our strong culture of engagement and retention is exhibited by outputs of different employee opinion surveys and less than 1% (0.94%) rate of attrition.

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Topics: Employee Engagement, Culture, #BestPractices

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