Millennials driving the evolution of employee engagement

India’s population majorly comprises young population, especially Gen-X, who have a whole new perspective in terms of their ‘expectations from a job’. They are known for their limitless aspirations and organizations are hence compelled to revamp their efforts to provide a better and a more engaging workspace. Organisations have therefore started re-aligning their employee engagement strategies.
Realigning the leadership style: A good people’s leader should not only be intellectually advanced but should also have a strong emotional quotient. Millennials today are very ambitious when it comes to their individual career growth. They demand a workspace with a super competitive environment and want opportunities to outshine their competitors. Recognition and appreciation from their leaders are what the Gen-X thrive for! Hence, managers in organizations need to ensure a certain amount of hygiene around workplace happiness.
This reflects strongly on leadership training, performance management processes as well as organizational communication. Giving this a deeper thought, we can notice that this is not a competence-related requirement but a character-related one. A leader should be committed to individual’s well-being and be sensitive to multiple individual motivators need an innate focus which may not always be a workable area of development for everyone.
Revamp employee’s feedback infrastructure: Organisations have to majorly focus on strengthening their communication infrastructure. For this, they should introduce a whole new breed of tools/apps that leverage mobile functionality and social media integration provide for simply staying in touch. The simple objective targeted through these tools is constant connect—enable employees to engage with company communication, celebrate success, share feedback that shapes decisions, and most significantly, to generate a feeling of being listened to.
What is exciting to note is the way in which employee engagement, as a domain, brings together technology as well as some core human elements like conversations and connect. In an era of technological revolutions, engagement principles are consistently focused on establishing a humane, connected, and flexible environment to accommodate the needs of a multigenerational workforce. Interestingly enough, technology has been blamed in the past for taking away from human connection.
Streamlining employee’s development at work: The third shift is simply how engagement is looked at. While, for years, it was restricted to fun events and activities at work, in the last few years it has evolved into something much broader in scope. It has now evolved into an aspect that cuts across various organizations and impacts every aspect of life at work, starting from onboarding to performance management to exits.
Organisations are implementing a strategic focus on short-term and long-term factors impacting employee experience — career paths, employee-friendly workspace and experience-centered rewards is also an emerging trend.
Engagement is no longer just a workplace approach; it is an ever-evolving, living element. Its reach is not restricted to infrastructure, environment, and activities but one that extends to the psyche of employees. Organisations who can incorporate the above engagement psyche into their daily way of functioning will certainly see a better future in terms of attracting more of the young talent.