Article: Tweetchat on the new frontiers of HR technology


Tweetchat on the new frontiers of HR technology

With less than three weeks to go for People Matters TechHR Conference 2019, global thought leaders, HR Technology partners, change-makers and industry experts engaged in a live tweetchat identifying opportunities to merge HR and Technology.
Tweetchat on the new frontiers of HR technology

Technology has made its way across different functions within HR and paved the way for building a flourishing HR Tech industry in itself. With a considerable impact on how decisions are made across Talent Acquisition, Performance Management, Learning, and Development, Rewards and Benefits as well as tactfully addressing employee grievances, technology in multiple ways has disrupted the very framework of the function of Human Resources.

In a data-driven world where people analytics and trends heavily influence strategies, the various facets of HR Tech have given rise to a whole new world of thought-provoking insights that shape decisions, strategies and at the same time bring in diversity and variety to what the role of HR entails. Discussing the new opportunities and impact brought in by Technology, global thought leaders, HR Technology partners, industry experts and change-makers engaged in a live tweetchat organized by People Matters.

Despite the online platform trending with World Cup updates, TechHRIN tweets made their way to the top 6 in Twitter's what's trending list! The tweetchat opened gates to a flood of tweets on how HR and Technology come together to redesign strategies by identifying key focus areas and developing a digital mindset to get onboard and enable digital transformation within the HR function.

The tweetchat on ‘The new frontiers of HR technology -More opportunities, more impact’ was a sneak peek into the People Matters TechHR Conference 2019 which will be held on August 1st and 2nd  2019 at The Leela Ambience, Gurgaon. 

Let’s take a look at some of the key takeaways and insights from the tweetchat:

What are the most critical business challenges that HR & Work technology can help organizations solve today?


What will help accelerate HR & Work technology adoption, change management, and business impact? (Share two, three tips from your own journey)  

How can leaders ensure a better alignment of HR & Work technology investment and business goals? 

Among the new-gen technologies (AI, ML, RPA, blockchain), which one are you most excited to use and why? Share examples of use cases too. 

What is the one thing you would suggest to enable a digital mindset among HR teams?  


Grab this opportunity to meet and absorb transformative insights from some of the most inspiring global thought leaders, HR technology partners,  change-makers and industry experts in the likes of Josh Bersin, Mukul Jain, Stefano Virgilli, David Green, Holger Mueller, Kamal Dutta and many more at the People Matters TechHR Conference on August 1st and 2nd 2019 at The Leela Ambience, Gurgaon.

Click here to register. 


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Topics: Technology, HR Technology, #TechHRIN

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