How switching leadership parameters can help take better decisions
Leaders are they born or created and what are the factors responsible for 'effective leadership'? In today’s world we find that there are several opportunities and even more organizations with visible and maybe some invisible boundaries with existence on voice and command of the body – what we may call as 'management' – and the voice that control and commands the activities of the whole – 'Leaders'.
We see a lot of things happening around us. 'Issues' are raised and authorities speak and create a public opinion. Absurdness and complexity of the issues highlighted increases or decreases with the kind of message that is passed by the ruling blocks - “management” and ofcourse the “leaders”. A leader based on certain parameters namely being extrinsic human factors - situation, timing, skill-set, influence and on intrinsic human factors – motivational-levels, knowledge-levels, conscience-levels with certain planning, organization, direction and keeping into the mind- thinking levels- takes decision. A decision-taken whether right or wrong goes into the books of history and with the gravity associated with it- positive or negative – it is narrated to generations.
'Connect' is the new buzzword of today – Technology has given us tools like social-networking, cell-phones, messengers etc., improving day-by-day – which has led to sense of never thought of importance of networking and its influence on the most complex entity of world- Humans.
'Humans' – a highly complex combination of 'psyche' and 'structure', at the lowest entity level is the most complex creation, which differs from one to another in levels of thinking, perception, understanding, skill-set, background, values, beliefs and last but not the least in jobs and their contribution, meagre it is, towards themselves, family, society, and on a larger view point the whole nation and world.
'Decision-making' and 'Public-opinion' start to converge and diverge with the interaction between the two namely 'Leaders' and “Humans” and starts the process of “group-think” and “conflict” which at-times can be aggressive and at other times can be in a peaceful-informative manner. The nature of the same depends on the values, tradition and belief that you possess which are imbibed in you through the long conditioning that you have under-gone in your initial formative years which from your sub-conscious levels influence your conscious actions and you start to give “responses” in synch with them to the external stimulus, through namely what you see and what you hear through connect, to your course of action which in-fact are reactions to the same.
Having worked in the two sectors namely – public and private – on executive level - managing work and team has been a priority up-hill task under pressures which could be categorized from moderate to severe.
Leadership Style: Switch in style: Appropriate Strategy
In private sector, particularly IT sector, the work is seasonal and is based on skills namely creativity-thinking-knowledge all under one head intellectual and individual which does not includes inter-personal skills which are namely involving vocational and physical aspects. Persons with lower management and leadership skills are more successful in the profession. My personal experience says that if you are having high motivational levels you will be able to deliver well in any kind of job. To achieve better leadership-style in the private sector, especially IT, you need to have high intellectual levels. Work-pressures are more client-centric and being a knowledge-based-service-sector skill-factor plays a major role. Here client’s requirement and service time is of longer duration. Holding of skill-based-talent is of major concern so the nature of employment and relations are of longer duration but due to high concern on profit-generation the job is more paying but less stable. Here ‘Group-think’ is a major factor which affects the psyche of leaders and work-culture with very less power distance enables more conflicting views but at the same time it also allows more space for relaxed and amiable work ambience to deliver excellence.
In public sector, particularly banking sector, there exist various departments which includes credit, operations, currency-exchange, and forex, policy-framing, and administrative- dealings. Public-dealing is one of the most sought for and highly complicated forms of employment in which very high quality of short-term relationship in a form of contract is established where high stakes are under consideration. Leadership will move here towards high levels of inspirational motivation and individualized concern with work being of a decision making where sensitive issues concerned with the whole nation is dealt with. Macro and micro policy framing and its implementation has a direct effect on the lifestyle of people because as it is said, “Money can buy you everything except happiness” Switch between various departments leads to change in styles of leadership. When you are dealing with public you have to be high on social quotient and as the work is of repetitive nature it is necessary to take necessary interventions under highly able leadership skills as often situation turns out to be laissez faire where it is difficult to deliver quality with satisfaction. The importance of authority becomes important and there is a direct correlation between inspirational and individualized as the past persons on the seat serve as an example and there past decisions serve as guide as well as an example to their successors and they are talked not on performance but on person-specific. This position is very sensitive but unquestionable authority lies with the person sitting on the seat and with high power distance with very high individual concern having power as a major attribute it is able to influence a large opinion among masses and is highly influential.
Today, we need leaders who are well-versed with the gravity of responsibility and decision-making that is required through proper moderated checks on their authority. In this article, I have tried to bring about the various types of “styles-of-leadership” and manner in which one can switch from one form to another by raising/decreasing the levels of the four parameters- individualized concern, inspirational motivation, idealized influence, and intellectual stimulation.