Article: Leaders need to move from 'power' to 'love'

Employee Engagement

Leaders need to move from 'power' to 'love'

It seems that there is a need to shift the focus from purely power to love. Emmanuel Gobillot, author of the book Leadershift, about managing in the age of mass collaboration says that a need of having new models of leadership is becoming critical in the current scenario. If people around the table are demographically different, then our expertise and experience and the leadership models that we follow are of no use, they become irrelevant and hence the need arises for new leadership models where the leaders should have the ability to help people grow and nurture and if this is done then the model shifts as there then the power of love is generated.

It seems that there is a need to shift the focus from purely power to love. Emmanuel Gobillot, author of the book Leadershift, about managing in the age of mass collaboration says that a need of having new models of leadership is becoming critical in the current scenario. If people around the table are demographically different, then our expertise and experience and the leadership models that we follow are of no use, they become irrelevant and hence the need arises for new leadership models where the leaders should have the ability to help people grow and nurture and if this is done then the model shifts as there then the power of love is generated.

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Topics: Employee Engagement, Leadership, #Culture

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