Article: Transformation in Action: Interview with Na Boon Chong


Transformation in Action: Interview with Na Boon Chong

In an exclusive conversation with People Matters, Na Boon Chong, Managing Director and Partner, Aon Hewitt Singapore talks about his own career trajectory, the Asian talent landscape, and the need for organizations to adapt to disruptive technologies
Transformation in Action: Interview with Na Boon Chong
Boon manages Aon's human capital consulting business in Singapore and has more than 25 years of experience of consulting in corporate governance, executive compensation, public sector pay, organization transformation, post-merger integration and talent management in Asia. He initiated the Best Managed Boards Award (a joint study with the Singapore Institute of Directors examining best human capital practices by Boards locally and globally) which is part of Singapore Corporate Awards. Prior to joining Aon Consulting, Boon had a long career with Hewitt, most recently as head of its Singapore consulting operations and APAC practice leader in Corporate Restructuring and Change. Boon graduated from University of Minnesota and Rutgers University (USA) with a B.Sc. and M.Sc. He is a Certified Compensation Professional with the World at Work, and is a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Directors. He contributes frequently to boardroom discussions on issues relating to performance, compensa...
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