Article: 10 things you must write in your resume


10 things you must write in your resume

Choosing the right font to quantifying your achievements -- here are some of the do's and don'ts of what you should write on your CV
10 things you must write in your resume

Getting your resume shortlisted is the initial step towards an effective employment, and it might pave out the way for the rest of the hiring process. Certainly, your work background, skills, and abilities might just be the ideal factors whether you are the right fit or not. Yet, if you do not present your qualities in a reasonable way, the recruiting manager would not be able to equitably evaluate you as a suitable fit. Sometimes the hiring managers might be carried away by endless work deadlines or pressure, because of which missing out a potential candidate is again common if the resume doesn't appear altogether different from the rest of the candidates. 

Hence, when you're stepping up against different job seekers, the absolute way is to emerge from the sea of similar resumes and let your CV noticed for the right reasons.

An Introductory cover letter

Most managers will expect an introductory letter attached with your CV. It allows you to present who you are, what are your ambitions and aspirations. Keep it direct and crisp to drive the maximum attention at one glance, without having to waste the recruiter’s time. 

Error-free Spellings and Punctuation 

There is simply no space for poor punctuation and spelling mistakes in CV’s of best candidates. At this juncture, it is advisable to keep sentences crisp to evade confusing punctuation and allow it to a companion to check it over before you apply. Spell check must be the very last but the most vital thing.

Avoid Cliche Words

After going through several resumes in a short span of time, the HR manager is used to certain terms and reused words, which are common amongst those set of resumes. Phrases or words used to express your previous experiences such as, 'in charge of', 'creatively developed’, and more, lose their value in the apparently comparative scenario. To stand out from the crowd, it is wise to play around with new words or phrases. Invest some time in  building a vocabulary of similar meaning but different words and you will discover that your profile is perceived differently and is probably selected for an interview. 

Quantify your Achievements 

If you are attempting to catch the attention of the hiring manager through your resume, you must incorporate details that distinguish yourself from other candidates, like mentioning your achievements by numbers. You might be responsible for a team for a certain project in your past organization, you still require the numbers to back those with sufficient data. 

Clarify the Gap Areas 

One of the certain things most recruiters watch out are those loop holes in candidate’s CV. For instance, clearly describe why you were on a break for a year, what were the reasons of those gap in the career. Simply leaving the gap might leave the hiring manager confused and compel to think that you have something that you do not want to uncover in front of him. Possibilities are, the recruiter might just cancel the idea of an interview too.

Integrate Keywords of Job Post

51% of CVs are sort out by an applicant tracking system that works by identifying keywords in a resume, says research reports. Those keywords are selected on basis what the hiring managers are hoping for in the potential candidates in terms of the relevant job vacancy. Hence, as a job seeker or aspiring candidate, you must discover what skills are anticipated from applicants in your domain so that you could do the exact promotion of yourself in the CV. 

Choose the Right Font 

Select a professional font such as Calibri which is also universally acceptable font. Most professional resumewriters prefer to use Calibri unless otherwise stated. It is very well legible and goes well on all desktop screens too. Being easily readable font, it will help uncover some of the errors, which you might otherwise overlook to edit.

Remove the word ‘Passionate’ 

There is nothing wrong in saying that you are passionate. However, recruiters might think you are writing it simply because you are desperately looking out for a job. The factualness of your passion can be also ascertained via your social media profiles. Therefore, if you really want to prove your enthusiasm about something you love, get it reflected through your social channels. 

Additionally, to verify your passion, add details about things you learned related to your line of work. For instance, if you’re a writer, include info about novels you read so far, creative writing classes you’ve learnt, which enhanced your writing skills and so on. 

Remove 'Excellent communication skills’

While, these are a must-have skills for professions, the hiring manager will not assess it through your CV. Why?

He or she would simply determine your communication skills (oral or written) in mere a few seconds during the interview. However, prior to the interview, your cover letter, as well as, the CV will communicate why you must be hired. Invest those additional 30 minutes to make your resume attention-grabbing and expressive without having to use flowery words or phrases. 

Be Concise and Neat

When creating your resume, remember the individual reading it may have a really short attention span. Infact a study says that recruiters only give 6 seconds on an average to a resume to screen them. The simplest tip, which you must not overlook and that can help you captivate the recruiter to examine your resume is to avoid excess junk of words and choose to write only what is relevant for the job. 

A visually-appealing resume is all that a recruiter expects to come across, when time is running over his head.With the above enlisted tips, you can not only direct your efforts in making your resume stand out but also, avoid the mistakes, which can pull the job opportunity from your hands. 

Also read: 6 sins on your CV that might cost you the dream job!

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Topics: Recruitment, Recruitment Assessments, #Jobs

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