Article: Tally Solutions sees significant surge in women's hiring in 5 years - CPO unveils success secrets


Tally Solutions sees significant surge in women's hiring in 5 years - CPO unveils success secrets

At Tally, over 21% of our senior leadership comprises women, reflecting our commitment to gender diversity. Currently, women represent 21% of our total workforce, but we are dedicated to surpassing this figure significantly in the future, revealed Naganagouda S. J.
Tally Solutions sees significant surge in women's hiring in 5 years - CPO unveils success secrets

Regardless of geography, women encounter numerous obstacles to sustain and advance in various industries. From gender bias and unequal opportunities to societal expectations and cultural norms, women often face systemic barriers that hinder their professional growth. 

It is imperative for companies to recognise these challenges and take proactive steps to mitigate them. By implementing inclusive policies, providing mentorship and training programs, and fostering a culture of diversity and equality, companies can help alleviate the barriers faced by women in the workplace. 

Moreover, promoting a supportive and empowering environment where women are valued and respected not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to the overall success and competitiveness of the organisation, emphasised Naganagouda S. J., Chief People Officer at Tally Solutions. 

During an exclusive interview with People Matters, he highlighted how it is the responsibility of companies to create pathways for women to thrive and excel, paving the way for a more equitable and inclusive future.

Excerpts from the interview: 

What are the primary factors contributing to the gender gap in the workforce of India?

The gender gap in the Indian workforce can be attributed to several factors. The ILO’s Global Employment Trends Report (2013) highlighted a decline in women's work force participation over the years. India ranks 11th from the bottom among 131 countries for women work force participation. 

Low education levels and entrenched social and cultural norms, including patriarchy, play a significant role in restricting women to traditional roles at home. 

Gender-based pay disparity is evident, with women in India earning only 62% of what their male counterparts receive for the same position and workload, according to the World Economic Forum. These combined factors contribute significantly to the gender gap in the Indian workforce.

The gender gap in the Indian workforce is influenced by the key following factors:

  • Educational Disparities: Despite narrowing gender gaps in education, particularly in rural areas, limited access to quality education for girls still persists, restricting their employment opportunities and contributing to workforce gender disparities.
  • Cultural  and Social Norms: Traditional gender norms and patriarchal attitudes in India, prioritising men's careers over women's, significantly impact women's work force participation, leading to lower rates.
  • Wage Discrimination: Women in India face significant wage disparities, with the gender pay gap estimated at around 34%, acting as a deterrent for women to engage in the workforce or pursue higher-paying careers.
  • Safety Concerns: Gender-based violence in public spaces and workplaces creates safety concerns for women, deterring them from seeking employment outside the home and contributing to the gender gap in the workforce.
  • Access to Finance: Limited access to financial resources acts as a barrier to women's entrepreneurship and economic empowerment, hindering their ability to start or expand businesses and participate fully in the workforce.
  • Legal and Regulatory Barriers: Despite legal protections and provisions for maternity benefits, weak enforcement of labour laws and ineffective grievance mechanisms contribute to the persistence of gender disparities in the Indian workforce.

What challenges and stereotypes hinder women from more active and equal participation in the formal workforce?

In the Indian formal workforce, women encounter many challenges and stereotypes that hinder their active and equal participation:

  1. Gender Bias in Hiring and Promotions: Unconscious biases often disadvantage women in leadership positions and higher-paid roles, perpetuating stereotypes about their capabilities and commitment to work.
  2. Work-Life Balance Expectations: Stereotypes associating women with primary caregiving responsibilities lead to challenges in balancing work and family duties, potentially hindering career advancement.
  3. Lack of Role Models and Mentorship: Stereotypes about women's abilities in leadership roles contribute to a lack of women role models and mentors, limiting career development opportunities.
  4. Stereotypes About STEM Fields: Persistent stereotypes about women's abilities in STEM fields discourage their pursuit of careers in these industries, contributing to underrepresentation in lucrative and growing sectors.
  5. Societal Expectations and Norms: Stereotypes about women's roles influence career choices, leading to occupational segregation and unequal representation in the workforce and many more. 

These are the few sample challenges underscore the need to address stereotypes and biases to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment for women in India.

What specific initiatives has your organisation implemented to address this issue, and how are these initiatives tailored to the unique challenges faced by women in the workforce?

Diversity and inclusion are the true enablers of workplace creativity and it's about recognising that everyone is truly unique in many ways. The responsibility of HR / Business leaders is to create an environment of Trust, Respect & Empathy being the pillars of work culture where everyone can innovate, thrive & succeed in this ever-changing world. 

We strongly believe everyone has potential and the inner power to make a difference to themselves & at the workplace. At Tally we have created an egalitarian workplace culture that supports the requirements of working parents and especially new/young mothers. We started an initiative to provide a strong launch pad to women who have taken a break in their careers for different reasons. Through this initiative, Tally India wishes to provide equal opportunity and support for women to professionally ReLaunch their corporate career. 

At Tally Solutions, we also have unique initiatives like vacation allowance for all, no cap medical OPD reimbursements, separation bonus etc. to support both recreational and domestic requirements of our employees. With regard to promotion and increments we do not discriminate gender instead we are highly focused on meritocracy driven culture where performance & potential plays a vital role.

Apart from the mandated maternity leave that all organisations are required to give to new mothers as per law, at Tally, we provide extended leave on a need basis of up to six months. They have options for flexible work timings. 

Women staying on the margins of the formal workforce is a concern. What barriers to entry do you think exist for women, and how can companies actively work to remove or minimise these barriers?

Barriers to entry for women in the formal workforce are multifaceted and include gender bias, cultural norms, and systemic challenges. To actively work towards removing or minimising these barriers, companies can implement the following best practices:

Promoting Gender-Inclusive Hiring Policies:

Best Practice: Implement blind recruitment processes to minimise unconscious bias. Focus on skills, experience, and qualifications rather than personal characteristics.

Flexible Work Arrangements:

Best Practice: Offer flexible work hours, remote work options, or compressed workweeks to accommodate diverse needs, especially those related to caregiving responsibilities.

Equal Pay and Transparent Salary Structures:

Best Practice: Regularly review and ensure equal pay for equal work. Promote transparency in salary structures to foster trust and equity within the organisation.

Creating a Supportive Work Culture:

Best Practice: Foster an inclusive culture by actively addressing gender stereotypes, promoting diversity and inclusion training, and encouraging open communication about workplace biases.

Leadership Development Programs for Women:

Best Practice: Establish mentorship and sponsorship programs to support the career growth of women within the organisation. Provide leadership development initiatives to prepare women for leadership roles.

Family-Friendly Policies:

Best Practice: Implement policies such as extended maternity and paternity leave, on-site childcare facilities, and family support programs to address the challenges women face in balancing work and family responsibilities.

Promoting STEM Education and Careers:

Best Practice: Encourage and actively support women in pursuing STEM education and careers. Establish partnerships with educational institutions to promote gender diversity in STEM fields.

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives:

Best Practice: Establish diversity and inclusion task forces or committees to actively address gender disparities. Set measurable goals and regularly track progress towards achieving gender equality.

Promoting Work-Life Integration:

Best Practice: Emphasise work-life integration rather than traditional work-life balance. Encourage practices that support both personal and professional growth, recognising that individuals may have diverse life priorities.

Addressing Stereotypes and Biases:

Best Practice: Conduct awareness campaigns and training programs to address unconscious biases. Encourage employees to challenge stereotypes and promote a workplace culture that values diversity.

By adopting some of these best practices, companies can actively contribute to minimising barriers for women in the formal workforce and create an environment that values diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Flexible work arrangements have been identified as a potential solution to attract and retain female talent. How has your organisation embraced flexible work policies, and what impact have these policies had on gender diversity?

Our emphasis on flexible hybrid working environment has attracted many women employees. We offer period leave to our women workforce, and we have a high representation of women in some of our teams. Over the past 5 years, we have seen an increase in hiring women. Nearly 25% of the new recruits were women in Tally. 

We continuously reinforce our values - our strength lies in our people, and honesty and integrity. Our conduct with people across designations, ages, and genders is reflected in the distribution of women in Tally, their freedom and autonomy, and their access to voice their concerns.

Our affirmations have resulted in reassuring statistics. According to McKinsey’s Women in the Workplace 2023 report, since 2015, the number of women in the C-suite has increased from 17% to 28%. 

At Tally, more than 21% of our top leadership consists of women. Our overall share of women in our workforce is also at 21%, although we are striving to achieve a significant higher goal in the years to come. 

Currently, nearly 35% of the people who have spent more than 10 - 20 years at Tally are women. This demonstrates a benevolent, cohesive environment that is sustainable for women to continue their careers at Tally. 

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Achieving gender parity often requires cultural shifts within organisations. How can companies foster a cultural change that promotes equal opportunities and challenges existing gender stereotypes?

We can do a lot to foster cultural change within organisations to promote equal opportunities and challenge existing gender stereotypes:

Leadership Commitment and Accountability:

Research from the McKinsey Global Institute reveals a compelling connection between gender diversity at the executive level and overall business profitability. Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams are reported to be 25% more likely to achieve above-average profitability. This underscores the pivotal role of leadership commitment in driving positive outcomes for both gender diversity and business success.

Transparent Communication and Dialogue:

Transparent communication and open dialogue are fundamental elements in fostering a cultural change within organisations to promote equal opportunities and challenge existing gender stereotypes. By encouraging honest and inclusive conversations about gender diversity, companies can create a more equitable and competitive business environment. The emphasis on open communication aligns with the broader understanding that organisations benefit from fostering an atmosphere where diverse perspectives are valued, contributing to overall business success and societal progress.

Comprehensive Policies and Practices:

Establishing robust gender diversity policies and practices within an organisation has been consistently associated with enhanced financial performance. Companies that prioritise comprehensive strategies in promoting gender diversity tend to outperform their counterparts. This underscores the broader principle that a commitment to inclusive policies not only contributes to a more diverse and equitable workplace but also yields tangible benefits for the overall success of the business.

Training and Education on Unconscious Bias:

Investing in training and education on unconscious bias is a strategic move for companies aiming to challenge gender stereotypes and promote diversity. When organisations provide such training to employees, there is a notable 9% increase in the representation of women in management positions over a five-year period, as evidenced by studies in the field. This highlights the practical impact of education initiatives in breaking down gender biases and fostering a more inclusive workplace culture.

Diverse Representation in Leadership:

Numerous studies have consistently highlighted the positive correlation between diverse representation in leadership positions and enhanced business outcomes. Companies that cultivate diverse leadership teams, including women, tend to exhibit superior share price performance and demonstrate improved financial results. This connection underscores the broader advantage of embracing diversity in decision-making, contributing to more robust and successful organisational strategies.

Flexible Work Arrangements:

Embracing flexible work arrangements has been shown to have positive impacts on organisational dynamics. Companies that provide flexibility in work arrangements tend to witness lower turnover rates and higher levels of employee satisfaction. This underscores the notion that fostering a culture of flexibility contributes to a more inclusive and supportive workplace environment. The adaptability provided by flexible work arrangements aligns with the evolving needs and expectations of employees, ultimately enhancing overall job satisfaction and retention within the organisation.

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Topics: Recruitment, #Hiring, #HRTech, #HRCommunity

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