Article: How Ed-Tech is enabling the Indian gig economy

Learning & Development

How Ed-Tech is enabling the Indian gig economy

A brief look at how the Ed-Tech industry is fuelling the revolution in the Indian gig economy.
How Ed-Tech is enabling the Indian gig economy

The digital revolution has ushered in an entirely new way of work. Technology has allowed us to be productive on the go, and has enabled companies to have a globally dispersed workforce. For example, employees can participate in meetings, connect with people from all corners of the world, share documents of all types and sizes - all within even seconds by clicking a button. That all wasn’t possible a decade ago, but today, technology has brought agility and a complex digital transformation for all organizations and their employees around the world. 

While companies are changing the way they operate and think about hiring talent, employees have changed their perspective too. It is no longer a one-sided conversation, rather a partnership between two parties who are looking for mutual benefit and advancement. Similarly, the way in which employees prefer to work has also undergone a shift. 

The rise of gig economy in India

Flexibility, remote access, and project-based work are on the rise, with workers increasingly joining organizations as contractors instead of full-time employees. This allows them to stay in control of their schedules instead of settling for a traditional office setting that has pre-established rules and norms. In a way, this technological transformation we have seen has allowed anyone to become an entrepreneur of their own and take control of their career like never before.  

This entrepreneurship and work flexibility has been further enabled by a new wave of companies that cater specifically to this lifestyle — from companies that connect talent with projects to ridesharing platforms and food delivery businesses. We are in the middle of a rapidly growing gig economy, and India happens to be at the forefront of it and the numbers prove it. According to Payoneer’s The Global Gig-Economy Index, India is in one of the top 10 countries with the highest earnings growth in 2019. According to Ernst & Young, 24 percent of the world’s gig economy workers are located in India, and this trend is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. It is exciting to see that this ability to work from anywhere has enabled individuals to take control of their career, finances, and become entrepreneurs with their business. 

Learning on the go

At the same time, this new way of work and life also demands a different and new set of skills. It is no longer enough to be good at your craft because gig workers are running a full-service business that requires much broader skills and knowledge. For example, a web developer now also needs to know the basics of finance to keep track of their invoices and expenses, and of course, marketing to advertise their skills and find more work. Individuals need to have at least a basic understanding of just about every facet of a traditional business. 

While going back to a traditional school is not a feasible option for a working adult, we have seen that one of the best places where they can learn a wide variety of skills is through online learning platforms. This easier, affordable and accessible alternative to education not only enables gig workers to get smarter but is also valuable for regular employees and individuals who understand the need to learn and adapt continuously. Indian workers in the gig economy and otherwise understand that to succeed, and they need to broaden their knowledge. Taking courses on subjects such as entrepreneurship, productivity, leadership, motivation, marketing, e-commerce, web development, finance, sales, human resources, and many more, is crucial for long-term success. 

No limitations on learning

Learners using online learning platforms can decide how deep and broad they want to go into a specific subject. For example, some entrepreneurship courses teach you how to start a business from just an idea. These courses will walk you through everything from the elements of market research and finding a market fit for building a business plan and go-to-market strategy. Other courses that cater to more advanced entrepreneurs explain complex concepts about how to run an online business, financial models and forecasting, and mergers and acquisitions, for instance. There is always a course for everyone, and learners have access to as much knowledge as they need and want. 

To conclude, the ed-tech industry is a significant part of the gig economy, upskilling new entrepreneurs, and helping gig workers stay stay up-to-date with the most relevant skills. In the rapidly changing world of technology, we must embrace new and on-demand learning models and become lifelong learners. 


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