Blog: HR Tech – The Web Resources you should follow

HR Technology

HR Tech – The Web Resources you should follow

The methodology followed to select these blogs was to look at their Alexa rank and also overall popularity in the HR & HR Tech world, qualify it with our own personal experience of using or referring to these blogs/individuals and then put them in alphabetical order.
HR Tech – The Web Resources you should follow

While HR Technology has been around for 20 years it’s only in the last few years it is getting a lot of attention from HR professionals and business leaders. With the changing nature of work, technology has started to play a pivotal role in almost every aspect of our daily life and hence HR professionals are expected to understand technology and its impact on the world of business. 

While there are no “courses” on HR technology related skill set, just as yet, here is a list of sites, blogs, and individuals that you should certainly look at if you want to learn a thing or two about HR technology, future of work and everything in between. 

The methodology followed to select these blogs was to look at their Alexa rank and also overall popularity in the HR & HR Tech world, qualify it with our own personal experience of using or referring to these blogs/individuals and then put them in alphabetical order. 

The first list is of individuals who are widely recognized as experts in HR & HR Tech world. These individuals have built a strong personal brand and are routinely seen in HR & HR Tech conferences and they shape opinions of decision makers (in Alphabetical order).

Abhijit Bhaduri

Abhijit Bhaduri is an interesting mix of industry experience, fiction writer, and now digital transformation consultant. With his illustrious career record of working with companies like Pepsico, Microsoft, Colgate, Tata Steel, and finally CLO at Wipro, he is one industry veteran who has adapted to the digital way of life. His “sketch notes” is a refreshing way of taking notes & ensuring that the message is delivered with necessary impact. His latest book “Digital Tsunami” is a must-read for anyone trying to navigate the digital world. 

Bill Kutik

Bill’s video interview series – Firing line with Bill Kutik (R) is one of the most viewed video interview series in HR Tech space. He is one of the leading independent analysts of HR Technology marketplace. He is also the conference Co-chair for the Annual HR Technology conference held in Las Vegas. His 20+ years of experience in covering the technology landscape is hard to match. He has successfully run a radio show before transitioning to video & continues his contribution via print media too. 

David Green 

If you have to follow just 1 person to understand everything about HR Analytics it will have to be David Green. His current role as Global Director People Analytics at IBM Watson Talent, just further adds to his credibility. He regularly puts out content aimed at improving the understanding of the use of People Analytics in business & how HR can build necessary skills for the same. His list of 20 top HR Analytics blogs is something that everyone with an interest in HR Analytics follows closely. 

John Sumser – HR Examiner

An independent HR Tech analyst with 40+ years of industry experience John is known for his deep understanding of this space.  The site offers a wide variety of content including research on HR Tech and helps you understand various trends that are present & emerging in this space. His latest work around the use of AI in HR Tech is an interesting piece. 

Josh Bersin

If there is one guy that can be credited with defining the course of the industry then it would have to be Josh Bersin. Yet another industry veteran he has been covering HR Tech industry trends for 20+ years now. His deep understanding of the space and insights he generates by looking at vast amounts of data. Many HR tech vendors & buyers consider his word final on most HR Tech related aspects. The Bersin by Deloitte organization is one of the foremost research & advisory company in the space of enterprise learning & talent management. 

Mark Stelzner

For past 11+ years, Mark has been helping organizations make HR Tech decisions. His organization has been helping companies of various sizes in their digital transformation. His experience, expertise and witty style of delivery makes him a pleasure to listen to. He is a regular in many HR Tech conferences and events and if you want to know what to do & what not do while selecting or implementing HR Tech solutions, do take a look at his work. 

Steve Boese 

Steve who is also the co-chair of the HR Technology conference in Las vegas, has been helping organizations implement HR technology for past 15 years. He has been on the product strategy team at Oracle, taught a course on HR tech at Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, thus giving him a well-rounded perspective on this space. He is one of the few who has seen this industry from the vendor, customer & even academician’s point of view. His podcast with Trish McFarlane named HR happy hour is one of the well-received podcasts in this space. 

Tim Sackett

If you are looking for focused HR & HR Tech content & advisory around the world of talent acquisition (TA), you can’t miss Tim’s work. He has been associated with TA for over 20 years and this experience and expertise is what people seek via his work. His writings about the world of TA in general and impact of technology on the same in particular are worth a read. 

Now that we have looked at some individuals who have been working in this space & are shaping opinions and sharing ideas, let’s look at some organizations who would help us understand the world of technology & its impact on the world of work in general and HR in particular. This list is presented in alphabetical order. 

CB Insights

If you are interested in the world of technology in general and can handle the sense of humor of the founder Anand Sanwal, then strongly recommend this one. CB insights present insights and research in an interesting manner & it’s this skill of telling the story that will make you come back to the site again & again. While HR Tech is just one of the many spaces they track, most research around HR tech would routinely quote their work. 

Fosway Group

One of the leading HR Tech research & advisory firm in Europe, Fosway Group’s independent research in this space and especially the 9-Grid TM model to analyze the market are interesting resources for you to look at while evaluating HR Tech solutions. While there work largely focuses on European market & providers in that market, the insights, and lessons are universal. Their research focus on Next Generation HR & learning ensures that you get a perspective on the current trends in this space. 


This company from Australia is an interesting resource for you to read about HR transformation, Digital HR. It offers you various resources in terms of its blog posts and podcasts. David, the CEO has more than 20 years of experience and has worked with Oracle, SAP, SumTotal & CedarStone in the past. 

Future of Work Institute

Started by Santi Garcia and Jordi Serrano, this is an interesting space. The idea behind FWI is to create an independent observatory of trends impacting future of work, build a learning community of practitioners and create think-tank to build & influence opinions. This is one of the few organized attempts to bring companies together to work through the digital transformation agenda & thus build skill and knowledge base. 

Horses For Sources- HFS Research

This is one of the leading independent analyst firm, which has a focus on future of business operations. They track various innovations like blockchain, AI, analytics and automation and work to provide insights on their impact on business operations. So if HRO is a big part of your organization or you are looking to outsource HRO then reading their insights would give a lot of value to you. Some of their “blueprint reports” cover HR tech related content & are a worthy read. 

HR Times Blog by Deloitte

This is Deloitte's blog on everything in HR and being home to Josh Bersin this blog becomes a must-read for HR professionals in general. It does have a variety of topics including HR Technology, HR transformation and shared services amongst others. The Deloitte human capital trends survey is one of the resources available here and insights from this work can definitely help most mid & senior level HR professionals.

PwC HR Technology Survey 

PwC’s annual HR Technology survey is a good place for you to read about various challenges and trends from the buyer’s perspective. It’s a great resource if you are looking to understand what other companies are doing with their HR technology implementations and what approaches are being taken. It identifies the next moves of buyers thus helping vendors also to adapt to these aspects. 


The focus of this site is to help you select the right software tool for your business. Through their blog, they also aim to educate the buyer and hence it's a great resource for you to learn about various aspects of technology buying in general and HR technology in particular. The buyer’s guide section offers invaluable tips about the whole process while the interactive report on top vendors gives you a wide variety of information about all major HR tech vendors. 


If there was 1 report that you could read to understand the world of HR technology this report is highly recommended. This is one of the most comprehensive and longest running HR technology surveys and covers many geographies and a wide variety of HR tech solutions. The survey report has valuable insights for both buyers and vendors of HR technology including link between HR tech strategy & results and total HR tech costs per employee. 

The Starr Conspiracy

It’s a strategic marketing and advertising agency focused on the HR tech space. The research and opinions they put out are uniquely presented and will give you a lot of food for thought. Contents like “Why HCM start-ups fail” present universal lessons learned from failures of HR tech companies. Their content like recently released “2017 Learning buyer report” give perspectives on changing buyer behaviors.  

Visier Blog

If you are big on data and data-driven decision making, chances are you are already about Visier. This is one of the HR tech companies firmly anchored around HR Analytics. Their blog is a treasure trove of articles and insights focusing on data-driven decision making in HR. Here you will see a wide variety of HR topics including Learning, Compensation, and benefits being discussed via the data lens. 


Based on the belief that work is art & science both together, this site aims to build the community of curious HR practitioners. This is one blog that is actually formed by merging 4 separate HR-related blogs. The podcast & course sections on the site ensure that you have variety of content available in different formats. With close to 24 authors contributing to this blog, you will always find something that catches your eye & helps you solve a real-world problem in your organization. 


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