News: No recession in Congress: Hiring 50 for war room


No recession in Congress: Hiring 50 for war room

The country may be in the grips of a severe slowdown and the job market tepid, but Congress is hiring. As election fever heats up, the Grand Old Party is out there in the market, looking to hire at least 40-50 people adept in media and messaging to man its 'war room' located at 15 Gurudwara Rakabganj Road in Delhi. 

The country may be in the grips of a severe slowdown and the job market tepid, but Congress is hiring. As election fever heats up, the Grand Old Party is out there in the market, looking to hire at least 40-50 people adept in media and messaging to man its 'war room' located at 15 Gurudwara Rakabganj Road in Delhi. 

"The party is looking to hire staff just for the elections. People who are familiar with technology and politics, journalists, techies and researchers to keep up with not just old media, but also new media platforms," said one Congress office bearer.

The job description: researching parliamentary constituencies, issues occupying voters' minds and closely monitoring what is going viral on the internet.

Source: Economic Times

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