News: From Grrr to Purr! This company just announced a pet insurance cover

Benefits & Rewards

From Grrr to Purr! This company just announced a pet insurance cover

The pet insurance package includes hospitalisation cover, surgery expenses, accidental fracture, OPD expenses, terminal illness, and other long-term care plans.
From Grrr to Purr! This company just announced a pet insurance cover

To foster a pet-friendly working environment within the office, Powerplay, an end-to-end construction management application, has announced a refreshingly new employee benefit addition. 

The Powerplay workspace would now welcome employees with their pets in the office and will be providing the pet parents in their company with a broad bouquet of benefits in terms of comprehensive insurance coverage worth Rs 1.5 lakh.  It includes hospitalisation cover for Rs 10,000, surgery expenses for Rs 50,000, accidental fracture for INR 5,000, OPD expenses for Rs 30,000, terminal illness for Rs 30,000, and long-term care for Rs 25,000.

With this new initiative, Powerplay is trying to create a stress-free, amicable, and morale-boosting environment at work. “Pet therapy is a known way to eliminate work exhaustion, and it will create cordial conversations among colleagues, leading to better working relationships. An amicable mood at work would significantly boost the ability to think, concentrate, and execute better, resulting in increased productivity,” the company said in a statement.

“A pet parent is constantly worried about the well-being of their furry friends while they are at work. When the Powerplay crew brings their pets to the office, they’ll be stress-free, jolly, and highly motivated to work, resulting in higher productivity. We value our association with our team, and with many of them having pets, we understand that their happiness and morale are high when their pets are hale and hearty. Therefore, we’re providing a vast range of pet insurance coverage to put a smile on our team’s faces and to see happy wagging tails,” added Iesh Dixit, CEO and co-founder of Powerplay.

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Topics: Benefits & Rewards, Employee Relations, Employee Engagement, #Wellbeing

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