News: Uber Targets Jeff Jones, appoints him as Ridesharing President


Uber Targets Jeff Jones, appoints him as Ridesharing President

The ride-sharing company has poached a top executive from the US retailer Target as President of Ride-sharing to oversee the bulk of its global operations.
Uber Targets Jeff Jones, appoints him as Ridesharing President

Uber Technologies Inc has appointed Jeff Jones as the company President of the Ridesharing business to oversee the bulk of the global operations, the company has said. Jones was working as the Chief Marketing Officer at the US retailer Target to help lead the growing ride-services company and reshape its image.

Jones will be president of ride-sharing at Uber, running local Uber services in every city, as well as marketing efforts and customer support.

As reported by Reuters, since 2009, the company has aggressively expanded to more than 450 cities, at times steamrolling regulators and launching campaigns against local lawmakers. Jones joined Target in 2012 to rejuvenate its brand and is credited with modernizing the retailer's marketing efforts. He led campaigns including #MoreMusic, under which Target partnered with singer Gwen Stefani for a live video that aired during the Grammy Awards and released exclusive tracks from artists such as Adele, part of an effort to burnish Target's cool image.

Prior to that, Jones led marketing for Gap Inc and worked for Coca-Cola and advertising firm McKinney. Jones’s appointment is Uber’s highest profile hire to date from the corporate sector, and underscores the company’s search for talent as it expands.


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