News: L&T's software arm LTI to hire around 3,800 freshers


L&T's software arm LTI to hire around 3,800 freshers

"The company is working at a very high utilisation level now and wants to hire more to get down the level," said Chief Executive Sanjay Jalona.
L&T's software arm LTI to hire around 3,800 freshers

After recruiting over 4,000 people in the year ending March 2019, engineering major L&T's software arm LTI will be hiring around 3,800 freshers this financial year as it expects the business to grow at a faster clip. 

"We will be hiring 3,700-3,800 freshers this fiscal year as against the 3,000 freshers we hired in FY19," shared Chief Executive Sanjay Jalona. 

Besides hiring freshers, the software firm will also make a few hires laterally. And it also plans to hire on 'just-in-time' basis as per project requirements. 

Jalona shared that the company is working at a very high utilization level. He added, "The high utilization is very 'unhealthy' for a company of its size which is growing. "

The utilization rates including trainees had stood at over 82 percent and that's when LTI decided to ramp up hiring. 

While LTI has been hiring people in large numbers, the talent shortage is a major concern for the company as well. 

Jalona told that talent issues are what keeps him awake and that the concerns have only aggravated lately.

Amidst the talent and skill crisis how a just-in-time model of hiring and other techniques work for LTI is uncertain. But definitely to look forward to. 

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