Article: 6 tech tools that changed HR forever in 2023

HR Technology

6 tech tools that changed HR forever in 2023

From the implementation of conversational AI to the integration of data-driven decision-making platforms, the HR sector experienced significant transformations in 2023. Explore a few of these pivotal changes.
6 tech tools that changed HR forever in 2023

The technological evolution brought about a monumental transformation in the Human Resources landscape, marking an era of unprecedented progress that reshaped the sector in 2023. Until the 1970s, HR primarily relied on paper-based methods, devoid of enterprise resource planning systems or centralised employee databases, necessitating manual document delivery through couriers or postal services. However, the emergence of artificial intelligence and the proliferation of chatbots have now revolutionised operations, enabling swift and extensive responses, surpassing human capabilities in speed and scalability.

Amid this transformative phase, companies strategically prioritised innovation, digitisation, and customer experience as essential foundations for sustained growth. Despite this strategic focus, tech companies faced a slew of challenges, as highlighted by Sachi Krishana, CHRO at Vymo. These challenges revolved around talent acquisition, productivity enhancement in remote or hybrid work setups, and the formulation of nuanced yet equitable reward strategies.

The dynamic tech startup scene in 2023 encounterd substantial hurdles in talent acquisition and retention, where layoffs drove candidates toward established firms, demanding alignment between stakeholders and evolving startup needs. Simultaneously, challenges persisted in onboarding, coaching, and accurately measuring productivity, compounded by the necessity to adjust reward structures amidst financial limitations.

Moreover, the shift to a hybrid workforce post-pandemic introduced new complexities. Krishana noted, "While teams intermittently return to offices, ensuring seamless collaboration presented challenges. Weekly office mandates led to disengagement among some, prompting HR teams to prioritise strategies fostering collaboration and sustaining employee engagement in this evolving environment."

On the bright side as these challenges emerged, solutions were not far behind. An array of technological tools facilitated HR professionals' tasks, simplifying their workflows. As we approach the end of a year marked by remarkable innovations, it seems like an opportune moment to reflect on and recognise the tools that served as indispensable companions in offices, streamlining tasks and enhancing efficiency.

1. Looker Studio: Empowering data-driven decision-making

Looker Studio, now under Google's ownership, serves as a robust data visualisation and business intelligence platform. It's engineered to assist organisations in delving into, scrutinising, and interpreting their data for informed decision-making. Equipped with an array of tools for data analysis, modelling, and crafting interactive dashboards and reports, Looker Studio notably features LookML—a modelling language enabling users to establish data relationships and metrics. 

This feature fosters consistency and reusability across diverse analyses. Ultimately, Looker Studio strives to democratise data access and comprehension, catering to all within an organisation, from business users to data analysts, empowering them with the ability to drive decisions through data-backed insights. Ms Amulya Kulkarni, Head of People Success at Log9 Materials, highlighted, “Looker Studio plays a pivotal role in transforming raw data into compelling narratives through visualisation. This facilitates the extraction of meaningful insights, empowering business teams to embrace data-driven decision-making.” 

2. AR and VR: Applications beyond entertainment

Augmented Reality (AR) enriches real-world encounters by integrating digital data, while Virtual Reality (VR) plunges users into simulated environments. These technologies serve diverse industries, spanning gaming, training, and healthcare. According to Ms Pallavi, Chairperson and MD of Dale Carnegie Training India and Walchand PeopleFirst Limited, "AR and VR technologies marked the dawn of an immersive era. Beyond gaming, they carve a niche in corporate landscapes, amplifying training, onboarding, remote collaboration, and talent acquisition. VR mimiced real-life scenarios for training, while AR dynamically overlayed real-time information."

3. Disprz: Transforming training processes in business with an LMS 

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a specialised software application or platform crafted to simplify the administration, tracking, and delivery of educational content or training programs. It functions as a centralised hub for orchestrating and overseeing various facets of learning and development, prominently in educational institutions and corporate environments. According to the Head of People Success at Log9 Materials, "Numerous businesses harnessed Disprz, a robust LMS platform, to streamline and elevate their training procedures in 2023, allowing for the customisation of content tailored to the distinct requirements of the EV industry."

4. Empowering learning journeys: The rise of flexible learning platforms

Flexible learning platforms revolutionised education by offering customisable and adaptable learning experiences. Often employing digital tools, these platforms grant users the flexibility to access learning materials at their preferred pace and convenience. According to the Chairperson and MD of Dale Carnegie Training India, "Learning and development transformed into personalised odysseys majorly in 2023 with flexible, on-demand training platforms. Fuelled by technologies like AI, these platforms enhanced the employee experience by providing tailored learning paths for upskilling and reskilling."

5. The evolution and impact of conversational AI in HR automation

Conversational AI represents the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to enable machines to engage in natural, human-like language conversations. Incorporating techniques like natural language processing (NLP), natural language understanding (NLU), and machine learning, it commonly employs chatbots or virtual assistants as communication interfaces. The conversational AI platform market, valued at approximately $3.8 billion, demonstrated a remarkable growth rate of 55% year-on-year. 

According to insights shared by Shrinivas Ayyagari, CHRO of Thryve Digital, “chatbots are notably spearheading HR automation efforts. In India, platforms such as Leena AI and Rezolve AI established their presence, offering features like seamless integration with MS Teams and executing routine tasks such as password resets and ticket generation.” 

6. Blockchain and smart contracts: Transforming trust and transparency

Blockchain stands as a decentralised and secure digital ledger technology. Embedded within blockchain are smart contracts—self-executing agreements encoded directly onto the blockchain, guaranteeing transparency and trust. During an interview with People Matters, Ms Pallavi shared, "Blockchain, serving as the guardian of secure and transparent transactions, specialised in smart contracts. These digital protocols streamlined functions like contract management, procurement, and financial transactions, heralding a new era of trust and efficiency."

Stay tuned to People Matters for stories that offer valuable insights and lessons, paving the way for reflections, introspection, and the anticipation of what 2024 might hold! 

Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!

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