News: Cornerstone launches AI-Powered workforce agility platform


Cornerstone launches AI-Powered workforce agility platform

Cornerstone Galaxy is aimed to close the worsening ‘Workforce Readiness Gap’ that is costing organisations trillions in talent and revenue losses.
Cornerstone launches AI-Powered workforce agility platform

Cornerstone OnDemand Inc. has launched an AI-powered workforce agility platform, Cornerstone Galaxy. The launch of the platform is aimed at solving the workforce readiness gap by building high-performing, future-ready people and organisations.

The workforce readiness gap is created by the pace of change from innovation, market changes, and other factors becoming out of sync with a workforces’ ability to adapt. 

The Workforce Readiness Gap Report, launched in partnership with Lighthouse Research, revealed this gap is widening with 63% of enterprise leaders responding that they don’t believe their workforce is adaptable to change and 60% who believe that AI has increased the pace of workplace change.

Organisations can break down their barriers to transformation with Cornerstone Galaxy by identifying skills shortages currently undermining their ability to sustain corporate performance. According to external analyst studies and internal Cornerstone experience measures, an organization with 10,000 employees can show up to a $7 million impact on its business through workforce agility and improved retention.

“We’ve long held the belief that when people are at their best, organisations are at their best,” said Himanshu Palsule, CEO of Cornerstone.

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