Ravi Venkatesan on Strand board
Ravi Venkatesan, the former chairman of Microsoft India, has been appointed to the Board of Strand Life Sciences. Venkatesan said: “In the past year, Strand has begun to commercialise its software platform and testing services for clinical use and it will play an increasingly important role going forward for India and the rest of the world.” Venkatesan is currently the founder chairman of the Social Ventures Partners and serves as a director on the boards of Infosys and AB Volvo.
Ravi Venkatesan, the former chairman of Microsoft India, has been appointed to the Board of Strand Life Sciences. Venkatesan said: “In the past year, Strand has begun to commercialise its software platform and testing services for clinical use and it will play an increasingly important role going forward for India and the rest of the world.” Venkatesan is currently the founder chairman of the Social Ventures Partners and serves as a director on the boards of Infosys and AB Volvo.
Read the Hindu Business Line news report here.