Only 0.4% Engineering graduates in India are directly employable

BridgeLabz Solutions LLP, which deals in the IP-driven incubation lab recently conducted a survey on Tech Employability in India. The survey involved the participation of more than 1100 engineers pan-India and revealed insights on the technical skill-gaps and the perspective of talent on the key issues that they face when applying for tech jobs.
The survey conducted by BridgeLabz was aimed at better understanding the landscape, identifying challenges and appropriate solutions to make a larger number of engineers employable. It found that amongst the engineers graduating each year, only 0.4% are directly employable. Of these, 3.6% are force fit in emerging tech, 20% are employed in services (not tech or engineering jobs). Additionally, 34% are not equipped with skills at a level to be considered employable and 42% are employable but aren't employed.
Amongst the total number of engineers surveyed, 72% took up coding as a result of sheer passion for the field, 21% did for the need of a job and 6% did it to secure a higher salary. However, the biggest challenge for engineers while applying for jobs was being under-confident (50%), where 30% did not clear the aptitude test and 20% did not have adequate knowledge for a coding job. Gaining deeper insight into the challenges, the single biggest reason stated by the participants for their lack of confidence was the absence of experience/project-oriented work (43%). Additionally, 28% stated it was a lack of hands-on coding experience, 21% cited outdated syllabus, while 9% cited a low focus on coding within their courses.
The company focused on the solution from the talent point of view, where 52% cited that hands-on coding experience in emerging tech will help them get coveted jobs. Additionally, 34% cited working on live projects and 15% cited a greater focus on coding being a factor for the same.
Sharing his insights on the focus of the survey, Narayan Mahadevan, Founder, BridgeLabz said, “Our long-standing goal is to bridge the growing skill gap amongst engineering talent in the country. The survey is in-line with our mission, and our aim was to put forth valuable insights for engineers, institutions and organizations to act on them and initiate a paradigm shift in the way engineering education and training is conducted pan-India. We are actively working towards expanding our operations, with an aim to make 3000 engineers employable in emerging tech within the coming year.”