News: Indian techies not stealing jobs in America: US think-tank

Talent Acquisition

Indian techies not stealing jobs in America: US think-tank

Indian IT firms have something to cheer for. A new study by an independent US think-tank has now made the argument that H-1B visas do not lead to outsourcing of jobs or shrink the job market for Americans, a Hindustan Times report said.

Indian IT firms have something to cheer for. A new study by an independent US think-tank has now made the argument that H-1B visas do not lead to outsourcing of jobs or shrink the job market for Americans, a Hindustan Times report said.

The National Foundation for American Policy study argues that H-1Bs are good for the US economy and the demonisation of Indian IT firms is without any merit, the HT report said. An immigration reform bill introduced in the US senate recently proposed to overhaul the H-1B visa system to end its use in outsourcing Americans jobs to cheaper foreign workers.

Democrat senator Richard Durbin, one of the eight co-authors of the bill, said at a recent hearing that Indian firms were misusing these visas to outsource US jobs. “An examination of data reveals that the premises on which these new restrictions rest are not supported by facts,” said the study released on Wednesday.

The study attacks the basic premise of the H-1B-outsourcing argument that foreign workers are cheaper. They are not, the report argued, and make as much as Americans of the same age and with the same qualifications.

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