News: Specialised courses in realty & infra management a huge hit

Learning & Development

Specialised courses in realty & infra management a huge hit

The country's premier management schools are addressing the builder community's need for employees who understand the nuts and bolts of their projects. Economic Times reported that IIM Bangalore, ISB, IIM Indore and IIM Ahmedabad are introducing specialised courses on real estate and infrastructure management, and in return, are attracting a dedicated stream of real estate companies during placement time.

The country's premier management schools are addressing the builder community's need for employees who understand the nuts and bolts of their projects. Economic Times reported that IIM Bangalore, ISB, IIM Indore and IIM Ahmedabad are introducing specialised courses on real estate and infrastructure management, and in return, are attracting a dedicated stream of real estate companies during placement time.

The demand for these courses is high. "Infrastructure management was introduced last month for the 2014 batch and to our surprise, 75 students, the maximum a class can take, registered for it," ET quoted S Nayana Tara, teacher at centre for public policy, IIM-B.

Read the ET report here

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