India lures faculty from top global universities
India is seeing a lot of interest among faculty in top business schools in the globe for teaching professions. In recent times, a number of faculty in some of India’s top schools and universities were recruited from some of the most renowned brands in academics, including Harvard, Stanford, and University of London. Some of the interest is partly because a number of Indian expatriates are taking up these positions and partly developing economies have attracted interest as a topic of strong interest among many in the academic circles.
India is seeing a lot of interest among faculty in top business schools in the globe for teaching professions. In recent times, a number of faculty in some of India’s top schools and universities were recruited from some of the most renowned brands in academics, including Harvard, Stanford, and University of London. Some of the interest is partly because a number of Indian expatriates are taking up these positions and partly developing economies have attracted interest as a topic of strong interest among many in the academic circles.
Read the Economic Times news report here.