Year in a review: Popular articles of 2016
2016 promised to be a year of sea-change for HR with HR professionals accelerating towards a series of transformation and embracing fact-based and business-oriented mindset. With the onset of this new year, we decided that it would be a good time to do some research and find the most popular articles of People Matters of 2016 based on viewership without any assigned ranking or order. The articles have been picked up from almost all the sections of human resource management like diversity, leadership, HR technology, Performance management, strategic HR etc.
Have a look at the below list of articles to help you stride your journey to HR brilliance:
Skills CHROs must acquire in 2017
Parag Pande, Accenture’s human resource lead for India and global lead for learning and talent development operations shares his opinion on what are the top skills CHROs should acquire in the year 2017. Read more..
The 2016 List is Out: The 'Fab 15' of Emerging HR Leaders!
The onus to create a mega ‘Are You in The List Awards 2016’ was on us. Yes, 5th year of the Awards is not just a humbling experience for us at People Matters, but it is also a time where we rewind, reviewed and recalibrated what we did right and what needed our utmost attention for improvement. Our success stories are because of our winners – from 2012 to this year. You have given us the strong foundation, believing in our idea, and also creating a value-chain for the HR fraternity. Read more..
Resignation: Dilemma of truth
The following stories are heard around organizations when an employee leaves. Evidentially it can be concluded that in many such cases, the relationships somehow get strained between an ex-employee and the organization when a particular employee leaves the organization. Though, a single attribute cannot be established but certainly common concerns have sprouted out while talking to both such ex-employee’s and authorities of organization across industries. After careful review of different perspective and approaches, I have tried to reduce it in a form and substance that may help us gain another insight too. Read more..
HR strategies in e-commerce industry
E-commerce business is on the rise, as online shopping is predicted to increase by 45% in 2016 in the U.S. To stay ahead of the game or to grow an online business, one needs to benchmark against the latest growth rates, both for overall business in a category for specific devices and then implement marketing strategies and tactics that work to achieve business goals. The good news is that there has never been a better time to be in e-commerce. Online sales are going to continue to grow, and if one wants to be part of the new wave, then preparation has to be done. E-commerce technologies are changing the way work tasks are conducted and thus have significant implications for the way organizations manage their human resource functions. Read more..
How did TCS overcome Modi’s bolt from the blue?
Although India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s demonetization has created quite a lot of hustle in everyone’s life, leading IT company TCS had a great back-up plan to help their banking customers comply with the announcement. On November 8, 2016 executives at TCS got on a conference call to discuss on the same. Read more..
Bell curve or an 'L' curve? Performance Management once again
Many organizations have recently moved away from the bell curve distribution of performance ratings. Some of the reasons cited for this change are: it breeds unhealthy competition, it’s the most hated process by managers and employees alike, it promotes political behaviours like schmoozing, and it does not add value to the overall performance management process. Read more..
Personalization - 3 things to look for in learning-based technology
The rise of digital technologies has created a number of opportunities in the corporate learning arena. Learners have access to different kinds of online tools right from MOOCs, gamified learning modules, and byte-sized learning tools to virtual classrooms. These tools bring a number of questions to the fore about the efficacy, costs and learning retention associated with each method. Apart from this, L&D leaders need to choose technologies that enable personalization and practice of learning. Read more..
10 things HR professionals need to learn by 2020
Drones, Self-Driven Cars, Roomba…. These bots are definitely going to claim some jobs in future. Does that mean robots will take over Human Beings? Even if they take over, they will still be servicing Human Beings. However this anxiety will take some more time to mature and this transition is not going to happen by 2020. Read more..
Design thinking as a tool for HR transformation
HR functions have not always been well regarded in organizations. A cynical operating leader once remarked to me “HR is too important to be left to the HR department.” He was only being partly jocular. The element of administration, expense control and proximity to the top, has led to HR being often regarded with a mix of suspicion and disfavor. This is beginning to change. “HR as a strategic partner” is no longer a mere buzzword. There is a new emphasis on organizational excellence, and the role of learning, teamwork and a culture that fosters innovations. This, then is both the opportunity and the challenge for HR. But how does HR adapt to become both a transformational force for, and a custodian of organizational excellence? Read more..
Predicting employee attrition - Who will quit & when?
Who will quit and when—the burning topic of every office’s grapevine! Irrespective of our nature of job, industry that we work for, the levels we work at, we all tend to contribute to this discussion with limited insight of the issue. Well, why do employees leave the organization? The reasons could be salary, health issue, career growth, work location, or motivation. These reasons may vary from organization to organization and from employee to employee. Now, the questions here are, Can attrition be prevented? How can one gauge the signs of flight risk long before a high performer starts looking for a new position? Is there a trend, any symptoms? The answer is YES. Read more..
Fear is Kryptonite to the innovation process
Dennis Shuler, currently the President and Founder of Core Strengths Management Consulting and Executive Chairman (and Investor) at Kinetic Consulting, North America, is an HR leader with over three decades of business experience in C-suite Human Resources leadership roles in companies including Procter & Gamble, The Walt Disney Company, The Kellogg Company among others. Shuler has recently joined the Board of PeopleStrong and is an expert in HR strategy. Read more..
Best B-Schools 2016 - Stand out of the clutter
XLRI Jamshedpur, very recently, got the AACSB international business accreditation for its doctoral program and in the process, joined a select group of 777 global business schools1 to have earned this accreditation. IIM Calcutta also won the European Foundation for Management Development Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) accreditation becoming the third business school in India to receive it. From the establishment of the first full-time MBA in Andhra University in 1957 and establishment of the first IIMs in Calcutta and Ahmedabad in 1960s to getting global accreditations2, Indian management education has come very far. Read more..
How companies decide salary for roles and levels
Often the topic of a hushed conversation when high level executives jump companies, and the most motivating factor for middle and junior level executives to switch jobs, ‘pay package’ continues to be the governing factor for human resource movement. As an HR manager, I am often asked how candidates are selected and salaries are fixed for employees at different levels (including the CEO!). Read more..
What the law says when your employer withdraws your job offer
The most coveted and pleasing words an ardent job seeker can ever hear is –“We're pleased to offer you a position with us," but all goes in vain when these dreaded words slay the excitement, "We unfortunately will have to withdraw our offer of employment.". Read more..
LinkedIn+Microsoft: What it means to HR
When Satya Nadella visited India to earmark the 25 years of operations in the country last November, his keynote provided a deep dive on Microsoft’s new mission “Empowering every person and organization on the planet to achieve more,” and what will it mean mainly for the enterprise customers. Read more..
Making a comeback with Career 2.0
We are absolutely passionate about our 'Returning Moms' program. That's because it allows our women employees to return to us after they become mothers, by offering them flexi-options and understanding their needs. But what about the talented and driven women who were forced to leave their jobs years ago, because their companies and organizations had no program to support or help them out when they became mothers? Today they are as qualified and full of passion as any person we may hire, and all they need is an opportunity to make a comeback in the workplace. That's where we offer them Career 2.0, another program we are deeply invested in, which is aimed single-mindedly at bringing women back to work after a sabbatical. Read more..
The elephant in the boardroom: A diversity issue
The board of directors plays a huge role in the growth story of a company. Given the strategic role of a board, a closer look at its composition across sectors raises some serious questions on the accessibility of board positions to women. In a recent study done by a the global recruitment tendering platform, put India in the 26th position globally in terms of having women members as part of company's board of directors. The total composition of women in the board of directors remains at 7 percent. This low proportion is something that India has been able to manage after statutory warnings from the SEBI last year. This is after the Companies Act of India of 2013 lay down explicit guidelines for qualifying companies to have mandatory appointments of women to the board of director. Read more..
Best Companies for Women in India 2016
The study reveals that with a rising percentage of adoption and surrogacy in India, 70% of studied 350 companies in India offer an average of 4.7 months paid leave for adoptive mothers and 15% of studied 350 companies in India sponsor their women employees for infertility treatments. Read more..
Here’s the list of Best Employers of India 2016 by Aon Hewitt
Aon Hewitt, the global talent, retirement and health solutions business of Aon plc, announced its list of Best Employers – India 2016. The Aon Best Employers study was first conducted in Asia in 2001. The purpose of the program is to gain insights into companies that are creating real competitive advantage through their people, to explore what makes a workplace of choice and to identify the Best Employers in the region. Read more..
7 reasons why you should date an HR professional
They are your first contacts for any kind of office-related problems. And they are always there by your side no matter what. HR professionals are probably one of most interesting people whom you can count on when you are looking for someone special. And here are top 7 reasons (in random order) why you should look at dating an HR professional this Valentine’s Day. And if you are already betrothed to any HR person, share this list with the loved one to make him/her feel special. Read more..
6 HR roles for the future
I was one of those movie buffs who waited eagerly for Netflix to launch in India. Recently a colleague shared on WhatsApp that we could sign up. A friend who has made a film texted me to say that his film was one of the earliest ones that Netflix picked up to add to its library. As I signed up on my mobile, Netflix showed me a set of movies and television serials and simply asked me to choose three that I liked. That gave them perhaps a fuzzy idea about the kind of movies I would like. Their recommendations get tweaked and fine-tuned as soon as I click on a title or when I abandon a film half-way. Read more..
Happy reading and all the best wishes for a Brilliant New Year.