News: Infosys looking ahead: To hire 6,000 engineers

Strategic HR

Infosys looking ahead: To hire 6,000 engineers

After witnessing tough challenges recently, Infosys cheers up on the prospect of hiring thousands of engineers over the next two years.
Infosys looking ahead: To hire 6,000 engineers

Infosys has announced that it will hire nearly 6,000 engineers annually over the next 1-2 years, sustaining the hiring levels of the previous year, says a news report. It also announced a renewed focus to increase local employee-count in US and European markets to expand its business and smoothen out visa-related issues, the report added.

Brushing off recent challenges that resulted in major changes in the top management, Infosys interim-CEO and Managing Director U B Pravin Rao has been quoted saying at an investor meeting last week, “...we continue to recruit. This year that just concluded we had a net addition of 6,000 and we expect similar kind of additions over the next 1 or 2 years, depending on the kind of growth you see in the market.”

He also added that despite nearly one million students graduating in India each year, only 20-30% can be considered as quality talent. “(This is the number that) we and our competitors focus on...It is a question of doing more with less, how can one be more productive,“ he said. 

Rao also stated that Infosys is looking to establish a healthy mix of local and global personnel, and is working towards increasing localization of its workforce. In the US alone, some 10,000 people are expected to be hired in the next few years, along with the setting up of development and innovation hubs. The process of executing the same has already been begun and will only gain momentum with time, he explained. This is in line with announcements Infosys had made earlier this year. The US and Europe are valued markets for Indian IT giants, Infosys included. Regarding the business that Infosys conducts in India, Rao said, “we continue to be very cautious about India...there are pricing challenges, sometimes getting payment is a challenge.”

The report states that as of June 2017, Infosys had employed a total of 1, 98,553 employees globally. 

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Topics: Strategic HR, Talent Acquisition

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